Master Virtual Sales Communications

Today’s business landscape is extremely dynamic. All of us are changing the way we work, the way we buy and the way we sell. How do you keep sales moving forward when face-to-face meetings are no longer an option? To succeed, you must evolve as the business world evolves. Digital interactions are the norm and now is the time to sharpen your virtual communication skills.
Employee on a zoom call.
Master Virtual Communications leads you through exercises and shows you what good looks like as you prepare, practice, execute and engage buyers using virtual communication. After all, you cannot afford to ‘wing it.’ The buyer will form a judgment about you and your organization based on how you look and sound during a virtual 30-minute sales call – make a favorable impression by:
Setting the Stage
Learn to communicate effectively through multiple channels; break your content into attention-grabbing segments; and establish expectations for the meeting and everyone’s role.
Building Confidence
Discover how to create the ideal scene; project your personality on-camera; and manage your verbal and physical communication.
Controlling the Story
Learn to capture and engage a distracted audience; incorporate pacing and mirroring; create an inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable speaking up.
Connecting and Building Trust and Rapport
Practice active listening; preparing insightful questions; and confirming your understanding.

How Perceptyx Transformed Their Revenue Engine

Perceptyx needed a sales methodology that enabled them to scale their business through a consistent focus on the value they bring to customers. 

“Training roll-out and execution was among the best our team has experienced. From the beginning and through today, they remain an essential partner to me and my sales organization.”

Regional Vice President of Sales

“The framework gives my SDR/BDR team a strong set of foundational skills that they will continue to use for the rest of their career.”

VP of Sales

“My advice to women seeking leadership positions: We’re in these roles because somebody put us there. Trust yourself. Be confident. Take risks. Ask and advocate for what’s best for you, your team, your customer, and your organization."

Laurie Schrager, Chief Operating Officer, Element Analytics

“Look at it as an investment.”

Chief Customer Officer

“They have real world experience and understand how to apply the content, process, and philosophy to real world engagements and go-to-market teams.”

Senior Vice President
Global Retail Sales and Field Operations, Retail

“We love the quality and flexibility of the ValueSelling Framework. Their personal focus in shaping training for us is truly unique in the industry.”

Senior Vice President
Sales, Services

What’s New From ValueSelling

The latest webinars, articles, press, and insights from our teams around the globe.
Episode 326: How to Position Your Company as a Market Leader in M&A with Aron Bohlig
July 23, 2024
Episode 325: From 0 to 1: Top Strategies to Scale Up Your Startup with Rags Gupta
July 16, 2024
From 0 to 1: Top Strategies to Scale Up Your Startup
July 16, 2024
Innovate or Stagnate: Lessons from 350 Revenue Executives
July 12, 2024