A Leading Global Sales Training Company

Since 1991, thousands of professionals around the world have chosen ValueSelling Associates for customized training, reinforcement and coaching to drive sales results.

The Power of Human-to-Human Connection in B2B Sales

The Power of Human-to-Human Connection in B2B Sales

12 Biz Development Strategies To Help Teams Discover New Ideas

If you are a business development professional, knowing where to invest your company's time and money next is a big deal if you are trying to create long-lasting partnerships and innovations that could change your company's future for the better. To help leaders and teams strategize creatively throughout the brainstorming process, experts from Forbes Business Development Council each share one method for coming up with good biz development ideas that will have potential success in the marketplace.

14 Tips To Develop A Diverse Client Base That Will Grow Your Business

Networking with brand champions or highlighting the success stories of current customers are good places to start building on the next chapter of your business plan. Below are 14 expert tips.

3 Focus Points For Building A Stronger Business Case To Prospects

To sell to the C-suite, adding value is essential. It sounds simple, but execution can be tricky. As a sales leader, you must guide your team to craft a compelling business case by emphasizing return on investment (ROI), cost of inaction (COI) and competing initiatives.

Mastering the Art of Remote Selling in a Post-Pandemic World

Julie Thomas Of Value Selling Associates On Mastering the Art of Remote Selling in a Post-Pandemic World

14 Strategies For Better Leadership And Business Relations

Forbes | From Julie ThomasPresident & CEO of ValueSelling Associates and a noted speaker, author and consultant, speaks on having the ability to adapt when creating better leadership And business relations.

It’s All About Pipeline: Help Your Team Build, Fill And Manage It

Forbes | Julie Thomas, Thomas President & CEO of ValueSelling Associates, speaks on the overarching reason for underperformance: the lack of a healthy sales pipeline.

ValueSelling Associates Reveals ValueCoach AI Tool

ValueSelling Associates, a sales training company, released ValueCoach AI, a value-based AI coaching tool engineered to help revenue teams drive desired selling behaviors and enable sales managers to optimize sales coaching and performance.

ValueCoach AI Tool Announced by ValueSelling Associates at Gartner CSO & Sales Leader Conference 2024

AI Supported Simulations and Role Play Boost Learning, Helping Sales Reps Close Bigger Deals Faster

Selling Power Magazine Chooses ValueSelling Associates as a Top Sales Training Company for 2024

ValueSelling Associates, Inc. is honored to be selected to Selling Power’s Top Sales Training Companies 2024 list as a best-in-class sales training provider. For the thirteenth year in a row, Selling Power has published its list of companies that excel in helping sales leaders improve the performance of their sales teams through impactful sales training, and ValueSelling Associates has once again earned a spot on that list in 2024.

Accelerating Sales Results Through Behavioral Change

In this article, Julie Thomas will identify behaviors that deliver sales results, outline the ideal program for driving behavior change and show how sales enablement can best support those efforts.

20 Strategies For Introverts To Improve Their Presentation Skills

20 members of Forbes Business Development Council share their advice on how introverts can improve their presentation skills.

Ready for a Rebound

Overcoming a slow start to the sales year

Everything You Need to Know About Advanced Corporate Training Programs

An effective corporate training program is crucial for enhancing employee skills, boosting productivity, and aligning with business objectives.

10 Biz Dev Leaders Discuss How AI Impacts Workflow

10 experts from Forbes Business Development Council each share one practical win their teams have experienced from integrating AI tools such as ChatGPT or Claude.ai into their sales process.

Eight Ways Biz Dev Leaders Are Building Better Team Connections

If you are overwhelmed and under pressure, don't throw in the towel—there is still hope to turn things around and gain more credibility. Here, eight Forbes Business Development Council members share ways that biz development leaders can promote transparency and trust in their role and improve their relationship with their teams.

Selling to the C-Suite: Gaining Access

Mindset & Benefits of Selling to Senior Executives and How Salespeople Gain Access to Senior Executives

Stevie® Awards Honors ValueSelling Associates and Its Clients for Sales & Customer Service

ValueSelling Associates applauds winners of the 18th annual Stevie Awards

Selling To C-Suite - Julie Thomas on The How To Sell More Podcast

Master the art of value selling and open doors to the C-suite

GenAI + Warm Calls = Increased Sales Success

In this article, Julie Thomas explains how using both GenAI tools and warm calls that apply the Anxiety, Influence and Motivation (A-I-M) framework are complementary strategies for your sales team's success.

Biz Dev Leaders Discuss 12 AI Wins And What Challenges To Consider

Get a better pulse on how some companies and their teams are truly faring by integrating tools like ChatGPT and Claude.ai into their sales processes. Twelve biz dev experts from Forbes Business Development Council share how AI has improved their sales teams and any challenges other leaders should be mindful of with the latest technology.

How AI Modernizes Sales Coaching for Managers

Staying ahead of the curve is essential for success in the ever-changing world of sales. Sales managers play a crucial role in nurturing and guiding their teams to achieve targets, but this aspect of the job often takes a back seat as managers don’t have the bandwidth to make their own numbers and develop their people. Artificial intelligence (AI) is coming to the rescue.

Leveraging Financial Data in Sales: Pre-call Planning Done Fast, Done Right

Leveraging Financial Data in Sales: Pre-call Planning Done Fast, Done Right

5 Prospecting Mistakes Sales Reps Make (And How To Fix Them)

Julie Thomas, President and CEO of ValueSelling Associates, which delivers sales training and coaching, shares her perspective on prospecting.

20 Career Strategies To Help Women Win In The Workplace

20 leaders from Forbes Business Development Council each offer one tip to help women in the biz dev space overcome the challenges they face in the industry

Eight Ways To Build Better Client Relationships Through Conversation

Eight members of the Forbes Business Development Council provide tips to help leaders and their sales teams elevate their active listening skills, which can pave the way for long-term business success.

With Extensive Two-Year Revenue Growth, ValueSelling Associates is Selected to Inc. Magazine’s List of the Pacific Region’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies

GLOBE NEWSWIRE | ValueSelling Associates is Selected to Inc. Magazine’s List of the Pacific Region’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies

Training Industry Names ValueSelling Associates a Top 20 Sales Training Company for the 15th Consecutive Year

Global Newswire | Training Industry Names ValueSelling Associates a Top 20 Sales Training Company for the 15th Consecutive Year

Kimberly-Clark Professional and ValueSelling for Marketing Pros

Sales & Marketing Management | This article explores how Kimberly Clark Professional North America adopted a value-selling approach to maintain price integrity and achieve impressive results.

Three Cold Email Templates that Generate Meetings, Not Spam Complaints

CustomerTHINK | Julie Thomas shares the three pillars of effective cold emails, let’s dive into three examples.

What Is A Sales Methodology?: Delivering Value In B2B Sales

Forbes Council | Julie Thomas discusses her approach to delivering Value in B2B sales using a proven Sales Methodology

20 Strategies To Personalize The Customer Experience

Forbes Business Development Council | Julie Thomas Suggests to Remember That Every Buyer Has A Different Approach

How to Measure Sales Enablement Impact

Training Industry | How to Measure Sales Enablement Impact

Making Your Solutions Essential for Every Stakeholder

The Sales Hunter Podcast | Making Your Solutions Essential for Every Stakeholder

Best Practices for Prospecting in 2024

Customer Think | Julie Thomas discusses the best practices for personalized multi-channel prospecting

When a Sales Qualification Tool Isn’t Enough

Customer Think | When a Sales Qualification Tool Isn’t Enough

The Sales and Marketing Management Podcast

The Sales and Marketing Management Podcast | Julie Thomas on the Power of Value Selling

Biz Dev Leaders Share 14 Tips To Elevate Your Storytelling And Close Deals

Forbes Business Development Council | Julie Thomas gives a tip to Share Credible Stories That Will Resonate With Customers

Two Key Skills to Teach Salespeople

ATD Magazine | Julie Thomas Shares Two Key Skills to Teach Salespeople

Sales Podcasts Hosted by Women from Lori Richardson

Women salespros | Latest list of podcasts about B2B sales / GTM / revenue Hosted (or Co-Hosted) by women.

Breaking The Ice: 15 Tips For Cold Calling Business Prospects

Forbes Business Development Council | Julie Thomas says, "Ensure Your Message Is Personal And Relevant"

Understanding What Makes a Great Seller

The Win Rate Podcast | Today Andy Paul is joined by yet another all-star panel of industry experts: Julie Thomas, CEO of Value Selling Associates, Mark Roberts, CEO and Founder of OTB Solutions, and Mitchell Kasperczyk, Strategic Account Manager at Compyl.

Your Playbook to Closing Crucial Deals in Q4

Customer Think | Julie Thomas explains the Playbook to Closing Crucial Deals in Q4

20 Ways To Balance Time And Resources To Maximize Sales Productivity

Forbes Business Development Council | Julie Thomas shares that having a strategic plan and focusing on execution enables us to balance time and resources.

The Power of Value Selling

Elitebusiness | The Gold Standard to Drive Revenue and Create Customers for Life by Julie Thomas

New to Sales? Here’s How to Connect with Senior Leaders.

Harvard Business Review | In this article, Julie Thomas discusses how your ability to build relationships with high-level employees will be key to closing deals.

New to Sales? Here’s How to Connect with Senior Leaders.

Harvard Business Review | Julie Thomas explains If you’re new to B2B sales, your ability to build relationships with high-level employees will be key to closing deals.

19 Ways Saying ‘No’ Can Reduce Work-Related Stress

Forbes Business Development Council | Julie Thomas shares how learning to say “no” to some things opens you up to other opportunities.

20 Ways To Keep Your Confidence Level Up In A Cold Business Climate

Forbes Business Development Council | Julie Thomas shares the Importance of Making Investments In Your Team During The Storm.

Three Keys for Closing the Year Strong: Focus on What You Can Control

SellingPower | As you plan for the year's end, Julie Thomas discusses how the key to success is focusing on what you can control.

Changing The Narrative: 15 Steps To Obtain A Positive Brand Perception

Forbes | Julie Thomas discusses the importance of exceeding customers' expectations; today, it is all about the customer experience.

Julie Thomas: Transforming Sales Excellence Through Value Selling

Forbes | Julie Thomas, a distinguished member of Forbes Business Development Council, is a pioneer in the world of B2B sales.

20 Life Lessons That Can Make Biz Development Leaders Stronger At Work

Forbes | Julie Thomas shares the importance of recognizing your blind spots; without introspection, self-assessment, and coaching, growth is hard to come by.

Beyond The One-Time Sale: Creating Customers For Life

Forbes | Julie Thomas discusses how most sales professionals, landing a one-time sale is not the goal. Sure, it may represent a nice win in the near term, but to drive customer value, revenue teams must develop long-term relationships and aim to create customers for life.

Top Virtual Sales Training Companies 2023

Selling Power | ValueSelling Associates is included in Selling Power's compiled list of the top virtual sales training companies!

Sales Tip 1655: Build Relationships With Procurement As They Hold The Keys To The Kingdom – Julie Thomas

Daily Sales Tips Podcast | Today’s tip comes from Julie Thomas

The Top 25 Business Leaders of San Diego for 2023

The Business Report | Julie Thomas works with revenue leaders across many industries to help them realize results they never thought possible.

The Secret to AI is the Key to Better Sales Calls

CustomerThink | This article by Julie Thomas discusses the Mindset for Effective Sales Calls the true power of the O-P-C Questioning technique.

Nine Marketing Tips To Improve Business Sales

Forbes | In this article, Julie Thomas discusses the importance of consistency and persistence with outreach.

17 Steps To Better Sales Predictions And Conversion Rates

Forbes | In this article, Julie Thomas discusses capturing the customer’s voice and reflecting that in the sales process.

The Ultimate Guide to Building a Seamless Revenue Engine

SalesPoP | Julie Thomas, President and CEO of Value Selling Associates delved into the concept of a revenue engine and its implications for sales organizations.

19 Top Business Development Resources To Stay Ahead Of Emerging Market Trends

Forbes | This article by Julie Thomas discusses the importance of reading what your prospects are reading

Episode 210: Julie Thomas – Customer Loyalty in the Digital Age with Value-Based Selling

Scale Your Sales Podcast | This podcast featuring Julie Thomas delves into the world of value selling and its transformative potential for businesses in the digital age.

The 36 Best Sales Training Programs for Every Budget and Team

Hubspot | This Article Features ValueSelling Associates Inc. for its Value-Based Sales Training.

20 Biz Dev Leaders Offer Career Advice From Their Mentors

Forbes | In this article, Julie Thomas discusses how majoring In finance and business can help with anything.

Rediscovering Effective Sales Prospecting

Selling Power | In this article, Julie Thomas discusses how many salespeople have forgotten how to prospect and must rediscover a new sales prospecting mindset.

4 Key Questions for Better Sales Forecasting Training

Training Industry | This article by Julie Thomas discusses how to avoid wasting time qualifying “ No Decision” opportunities with four key questions.

The Power of Value Selling: The Gold Standard to Drive Revenue and Create Customers for Life

Forbes, Councils | This article by Julie Thomas discusses her new book that delivers a fresh and engaging perspective on how to adopt a customer-centric approach when selling to contemporary buyers.

How to Use Sales Qualification Frameworks to Maximize Selling Time

Customer Think | This article by Julie Thomas discusses applying a proven sales qualification framework that saves you time.

Why Executives Make Logical Business Decisions For Emotional Reasons

Forbes | This article by Julie Thomas discusses how to go beyond the rational motivations of ROI, productivity gains and operational effectiveness to effectively sell to the C-suite.

12 Key Investments That Will Help A Business Thrive

Forbes | In this article, Julie Thomas discusses how to invest in your people with Sales Training And Coaching.

19 Long-Term Visions Crucial For Biz Development Leaders And Team Alignment

Forbes | In This article, Julie Thomas discusses how prioritizing consistent communication is essential for business leaders.

Mastering The Art Of Identifying And Seizing New Business Opportunities

Forbes | This article by Julie Thomas discusses how to better understand your prospect’s challenges.

20 Challenges Confronting Business Development Leaders Today

Forbes | This article, the Bus Development Council features Julie Thomas discussing getting prospective customers’ attention.

How Value-based Selling Drives Customer Loyalty and Retention

Spiceworks | ValueSelling’s Tom Miller shares his experience on working with SaaS companies on how to align the revenue engine.

Harnessing Metrics To Boost Sales Enablement Impact

Forbes | Focus on what you can control — Four Steps For Effective Sales Enablement Measurement from Julie Thomas.

The Proven Playbook for Strategic Account Planning and Expansion

Customer Think | On the surface, strategic account planning seems simple – but there are two problems stand in your way from Julie Thomas.

10 Biz Development Leaders Discuss Which Lead Magnets Work For Them (And Why)

CustomerTHINK | A step-by-step approach for earning executive attention.

Strategies for Selling to the C-Suite

CustomerTHINK | A step-by-step approach for earning executive attention.

Build Deeper Connections

International Journal of Sales Transformation | Understanding best practices for a buyer-centric sales approach.

Nine Ways To Overcome Customer Objections And Close The Deal

Forbes Expert Panel | Julie Thomas shares tips on negotiating on terms and deliverables.

RevOps Alone Won’t Fix Bad Sales Calls

Forbes | This article by Julie Thomas discusses the unique connection between RevOps and sales methodology.

How Perceptyx Transformed Its Revenue Engine & Increased ACV By 56%

Demand Gen Report | ValueSelling’s & Perceptyx case study published in the “Case In Point” featured section.

Buyer-Centric Selling Explained: Six Best Practices

CustomerTHINK | Learn how companies can foster alignment on best practices

ValueSelling Associates a Top Sales Training Company for 2023

Times of San Diego | We’re thrilled to make this list 11 years running!Read the full article

15 Biz Dev Leaders Discuss The Impact Of Remote Work On Sales And Marketing

Forbes Expert Panel | Julie Thomas comments on digital social engagement.

Here’s Why These Two Sales Tactics Are Ineffective in Sales Today

SalesFuel | ValueSelling’s CEO Julie Thomas talks about how to best leverage case studies.

How to Conquer Your Phone Anxiety and Close Deals: 11 Expert Tips and Exercises

HubSpot Sales blog | No one likes cold calling. Here are some tips to overcome phone anxiety.

Researching Prospects is Key to Standing Out. Here's How to Do It Right.

LinkedIn Sales Blog | A guide to sales prospecting that covers how to find reliable info, how much time it should take, and how to tailor messages that add value for prospects.

How To Manage No-Decision Prospects And Focus Your Energy To Win

Demand Gen Report | ValueSelling’s & Perceptyx case study published in the “Case In Point” featured section.

Align Revenue Engines to Drive Customer Value; ValueSelling Presentation at Gartner CSO & Sales Leader Conference

Times of San Diego | Learn how ValueSelling participated in this Gartner conference.

Here’s How B2B Salespeople Define Buyer-Centrism

Demand Gen Report | ValueSelling’s & Perceptyx case study published in the “Case In Point” featured section.

Prioritizing Growth In Today's Marketplace Through Strategic Investments

Forbes Expert Panel | Julie Thomas discusses investing in human capital and evolving skillsets.

Beyond the Buzzword: Buyer-centric Sales Strategies From Sales Professionals and L&D Decision-makers

Training Industry | Six best practices to implement a successful buyer-centric sales approach ValueSelling’s CEO, Julie Thomas, shares our latest research results.

Salespeople and leaders differ on key aspects of buyer centricity

International Journal of Sales Transformation | Exploring research around buyer-centric selling.

ValueSelling Associates Welcomes Nicole Hutzul and Expands Canadian Sales Training

Canadian Insider | Nicole Hutzul will expand ValueSelling training in Canada.

Why Sellers Need to Take a Value-Based Approach

CustomerTHINK | How you sell is as important as what you sell.

61% of Sales Leaders To Use a Buyer-Centric Approach—Even if It Makes the Sales Cycle Longer—Because It’s More Effective, According to New Research

SalesTech Star | Learn about the results of our latest research.

15 Tips For Creating Smart Business Development Budget Plans

Forbes Expert Panel | Julie Thomas discusses how to clearly identify your goals.

15 Steps To Take Before Starting A New Business Partnership

Forbes Expert Panel | Julie Thomas gives advice on owning the relationship in a partnership.

Media contact:

Maria Doyle
Doyle Strategic Communications
+1 (781) 964-3536