Sales Qualification Tools
Sales Methodologies

The Difference Between Sales Qualification Tools and Complete Sales Methodologies

Sales qualification tools and assessment frameworks are tremendous for evaluating where opportunities are today and identifying crucial gaps. Their strength is also their weakness: They only evaluate the past. In contrast, sales methodologies provide opportunity assessment and a proactive approach for moving opportunities to closed-won.

Opportunity Assessment Framework or Sales Methodology: How to Choose?

The good news is you don't have to. Sales methodologies like the ValueSelling Framework® and sales qualification tools like MEDDIC happily coexist—they serve different but complementary roles in the sales process. Plus, many sales methodologies like ValueSelling offer robust sales qualification tools of their own to enable teams to avoid time wasted on no-decision opportunities and improve forecast accuracy while building the desired selling behaviors. Let's examine the differences and areas of overlap further.

What Is an Opportunity Assessment Tool?

Sales qualification tools provide a set of criteria for evaluating sales opportunity health and qualifying leads—they help sellers determine if an opportunity is worth pursuing. One popular example is MEDDIC, which stands for Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Identify Pain and Champion. It was designed by PTC leadership in 1996 to help reps maximize selling time by reducing energy spent on deals that will never close.

What Is a Sales Methodology?

A sales methodology is a structured approach that revenue professionals use to engage potential buyers and guide them through the buying process. It encompasses a set of principles, practices and strategies that help sellers effectively manage interactions with prospects, build relationships across client organizations and move complex deals to close.

Sales methodologies provide a framework for how sales professionals partner with potential buyers and approach each stage of the buying process. They provide a systematic, repeatable playbook for building the behaviors that sales teams will use for every customer-facing interaction, from prospecting to marking deals closed-won to renewal sales.

Understanding Sales Methodologies

To best understand sales methodologies, let's use an analogy to American football. Your sales process is like the yard markers on an American football field. They’re clearly defined milestones that define progress toward your goal.

In contrast, your sales methodology is the playbook that tells you how to advance your opportunity to the end zone. It’s the engagement framework that gives you the common language and tools that drive predictable results. And your blocking, tackling, and throwing drills are the sales skills that are required to consistently leverage the methodology and work with the sales process.

When these three elements are aligned, it’s easier for teams to guide buyers through the process, predict results and replicate success. The right framework helps salespeople transform their focus from pushing products to selling the full value of their solutions and creating customers for life.

The Benefits of a Sales Methodology for B2B Sales

A robust sales methodology for B2B sales addresses the unique challenges of selling to other businesses, such as longer sales cycles, multiple decision-makers and the need for customized solutions. In B2B sales, methodologies enable sales teams to understand the specific needs of business clients, build strong relationships and demonstrate the value of their solutions in a compelling way.

Sales methodologies are equally powerful for other roles that contribute to revenue growth. If your entire revenue engine is trained to view opportunities through the same lens as your sales teams, they can provide additional insight into the sales process and ensure a consistent customer experience as buyers move through your organization, from marketing to SDR to AE to CSM.

When all customer-facing teams embrace the common communication framework that is your sales methodology, this facilitates feedback loops across the organization to improve knowledge-sharing and enable teams to align on driving customer value and retention. Implementing the right sales methodology will significantly improve sales performance, streamline processes and enhance customer relationships.

an image of valueselling's sales qualification tool which is a simple equation, set against a white background with teal and yellow triangles

The Qualified Prospect Formula®

Developed in 1991, ValueSelling's dynamic sales qualification tool is a multi-dimensional process for driving forecast accuracy. If any of the four elements is under-developed or missing, there is a risk the customer won’t buy.
Differentiated VisionMatch™
Do you and the buyer agree on the value of your solution and its ability to solve pressing business challenges?
Is your solution worth it? To offer value that motivates change, you must connect to problems worth solving and create a business case that is time-bound and measurable.
Building consensus across the buying group is vital, but are you talking to the person who has the authority to make the final buying decision?
Develop a Mutual Plan with the buyer. This collaborative document outlines the business issue, the agreed upon solution and its quantified value, maps the buying steps and outlines the plan for value realization.

Your Top Revenue Challenges – And Proven Solutions

We get it – we’ve been there too. That’s why we’re in the business of creating tailored programs that give your revenue teams the skills to efficiently navigate each stage of the customer journey.
Filling the Funnel
Buyers are bombarded with outreach about the seller’s product – help your teams flip the script and break through the noise.
How We Solve This
Vortex Prospecting™
Vortex Prospecting is the multi-channel, strategically choreographed approach to sales prospecting that reliably fills the funnel.
Creating Value-based Stories
Create Value-based Stories equips teams to pique buyer interest and inspire action with storytelling that drives differentiation.
Coaching Vortex Prospecting™ for Managers
Coaching Vortex Prospecting helps leaders drive adoption of the desired sales prospecting behaviors and reliably fill the funnel.
The ValueSelling Framework®
The ValueSelling Framework® aligns your revenue engine, enabling all customer-facing roles to compete on value and improve your CX.
Leads and Improving CX
Misaligned revenue engines impact leads and erode buyer trust – differentiation and a consistent CX create customers for life.
How We Solve This
The ValueSelling Framework®
The ValueSelling Framework® aligns your revenue engine, enabling all customer-facing roles to compete on value and improve your CX.
ValueSelling for Marketing Pros
Value Selling for Marketing Pros aligns marketing and sales to increase top-of-funnel activity, improve CX and build brand trust.
Competitive Differentiation
Competitive Differentiation teaches teams to create compelling messaging and value propositions that result in premium pricing.
eValuePrompter™ RevTech Toolset
eValuePrompter™ facilitates cross-functional collaboration and increases the adoption of ValueSelling to key sales metrics.
Qualification Tools and Forecast Accuracy
No-decision opps waste time. Maximize selling time and forecast accuracy with objective criteria for evaluating every deal.
How We Solve This
The ValueSelling Framework®
The ValueSelling Framework® aligns your revenue engine, enabling all customer-facing roles to compete on value and improve your CX.
Coaching with the ValueSelling Framework® for Managers
Coaching Vortex Prospecting™ for Managers develops prospecting/qualifying skills and reinforces consistent execution across teams.
eValuePrompter™ RevTech Toolset
eValuePrompter™ facilitates cross-functional collaboration and increases the adoption of ValueSelling to key sales metrics.
Strategic Account Planning
Expansion sales and account planning fall prey to inefficient resource allocation. Break the cycle with a proven playbook.
How We Solve This
The ValueSelling Framework®
The ValueSelling Framework® aligns your revenue engine, enabling all customer-facing roles to compete on value and improve your CX.
ValueSelling Account Planning
ValueSelling Account Planning maximizes selling efficiency by identifying high-potential opportunities and growing existing business.
ValueSelling Account Planning (VSAP) RevTech Toolset
The VSAP toolset empowers revenue teams with enhanced account intel to identify expansion opportunities and develop strategic plans.
Super-charged Research to Fuel Account Strategy
Super-charged Research to Fuel Account Strategy focuses research on the most impactful elements and streamlines workflows.
Segmented Revenue Tech
Most tech stacks frustrate sellers. The right tech reinforces buyer-centric behaviors and integrates with your tools/workflows.
How We Solve This
eValuePrompter™ RevTech Toolset
eValuePrompter™ facilitates cross-functional collaboration and increases the adoption of ValueSelling to key sales metrics.
ValueSelling Account Planning (VSAP) RevTech Toolset
The VSAP toolset empowers revenue teams with enhanced account intel to identify expansion opportunities and develop strategic plans.
The ValueSelling Framework®
The ValueSelling Framework® aligns your revenue engine, enabling all customer-facing roles to compete on value and improve your CX.
Sales Coaching and Employee Retention
Frontline managers have an incredibly challenging job. Give them the tools to drive adoption and coach effectively.
How We Solve This
The ValueSelling Framework®
The ValueSelling Framework® aligns your revenue engine, enabling all customer-facing roles to compete on value and improve your CX.
Coaching with the ValueSelling Framework® for Managers
Coaching the ValueSelling Framework® for Managers equips leaders to coach around ValueSelling behaviors and ensure training ROI.
Coach vs. Manager: Understanding Leadership
Coach vs. Manager: Understanding Leadership enables your managers to purposefully develop sales teams through targeted coaching.
Coaching Vortex Prospecting™ for Managers
Coaching Vortex Prospecting™ for Managers develops prospecting/qualifying skills and reinforces consistent execution across teams.
Train-the-Trainer Certification
Train-the-Trainer is a rigorous certification process that equips your in-house trainers to deliver the ValueSelling Framework®.
Training Reinforcement
Knowledge can quickly disappear post-training. Maximize ROI with proven programs and tools that drive adoption on day one.
How We Solve This
ValueSelling@Work™ microlearning helps your salesforce build skills, reinforce habits and achieve results immediately.
Vortex@Work™ microlearning reinforces crucial sales prospecting habits to prime the revenue engine and reliably fill the funnel.
eValuePrompter™ RevTech Toolset
eValuePrompter™ facilitates cross-functional collaboration and increases the adoption of ValueSelling to key sales metrics.
ValueSelling Account Planning (VSAP) RevTech Toolset
The VSAP toolset empowers revenue teams with enhanced account intel to identify expansion opportunities and develop strategic plans.
Selling to the C-suite
Your sellers don’t have to be executives’ peers to be trusted advisors – time to realize shorter sales cycles and larger deals.
How We Solve This
Executive Speak™
Executive Speak™ builds business acumen and financial literacy to boost seller confidence and enable them to sell to the C-suite.
Executing the C-Suite Conversation
Executing the C-suite Conversation enables sellers to have impactful business conversations about business drives, issues and goals.
Selling in Turbulent Times
Selling in Turbulent Times adjusts sales techniques to fit economic conditions, maximize opportunities and reduce stalled sales.
The ValueSelling Framework®
The ValueSelling Framework® aligns your revenue engine, enabling all customer-facing roles to compete on value and improve your CX.
Better Business Conversations
Interest ≠ true buying intent. Help your teams identify problems worth solving and instill confidence in buying decisions.
How We Solve This
The ValueSelling Framework®
The ValueSelling Framework® aligns your revenue engine, enabling all customer-facing roles to compete on value and improve your CX.
Uncovering, Articulating and Quantifying Value
Uncovering, Articulating and Quantifying Value teaches customer-facing teams to discover and quantify value that motivates urgency.
Creating Value-based Stories
Create Value-based Stories equips teams to pique buyer interest and inspire action with storytelling that drives differentiation.
Selling on Value, Not Price
Discounts and ROI don’t close deals. Connect ROI to business issues and maintain price integrity with a proven framework.
How We Solve This
The ValueSelling Framework®
The ValueSelling Framework® aligns your revenue engine, enabling all customer-facing roles to compete on value and improve your CX.
Negotiating with the ValueSelling Framework®
Negotiating with the ValueSelling Framework® equips sellers to negotiate without compromising rapport and avoid discounting.
Persuasive Presentations
Persuasive Presentations enables teams to create compelling presentations tailored to prospects' business issues and goals.
Renewal Sales
You know your customers are your greatest strength – prove it with a consistent CX that gives them a reason to stay.
How We Solve This
The ValueSelling Framework®
The ValueSelling Framework® aligns your revenue engine, enabling all customer-facing roles to compete on value and improve your CX. ectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros.
eValuePrompter® RevTech Toolset
eValuePrompter® facilitates cross-functional collaboration and increases the adoption of ValueSelling to key sales metrics.
ValueSelling Account Planning (VSAP) RevTech Toolset
The VSAP toolset empowers revenue teams with enhanced account intel to identify expansion opportunities and develop strategic plans.

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