Managing Partner
Bart van Eijck
"The secret of success lies in forming the habit of doing things that failures don't like to do." - Albert E. N. Gray

Bart van Eijck brings 25 years in sales and sales management as a growth and change management strategist. He has helped C-Suite and executive leaders achieve aggressive revenue targets and drive team success by implementing proven sales methodologies, instituting performance management models, and recruiting and retaining top talent.

With a background that ranges from “carrying the bag" to running a 500 FTE sales force at Gartner, Bart has helped sales leaders and teams turn around almost every conceivable sales scenario. He arms his clients with the skills, sales-ready messaging, and confidence that they can win. Prior to joining ValueSelling Associates, Bart held international sales management positions in subscription-based services, SaaS, travel/leisure and risk intelligence/big data, spanning across the globe.

He served as Commercial Director Europe for GlobalData, Worldwide SVP Sales & Marketing for Polecat, VP and Managing Director EMEA for Expedia, and GVP Sales EMEA for Gartner.

A goal-driven, yet flexible, team player, he has implemented change management programs with strong results:
- 20+% YoY growth for global market intelligence firm
- 200% YoY growth and quadrupled client base for tech company
- Grew EMEA into the biggest super region with the highest EBITDA contribution
- Transformed EMEA business into double-digit growth engine

Bart participated in the OneMBA program at RSM, and received an Advanced Marketing Degree at SRM and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. He served as Corporal in the Dutch Army. Bart speaks English and Dutch fluently and is working on his Italian:-)
With a work-hard, play-hard personality, Bart enjoys running, travel, history, architecture and most of all, spending time with his family in his free time.

Featured On

Start of Dutch IT Channel Video Talkshows ‘Leaders of Datacenters' with moderator Danny Frietman and digital sales specialist Bart van Eijck

Interview Dutch IT Channel - Digital First! ValueSelling framework helpt bij digitaliseren B2B sales processes.

ValueSelling ondersteunt digitalisering sales processen (video) | Dutch IT Channel

SalesTechStar Interview with Bart van Eijck


Webinar: How Top Performing Companies Are Winning In Covid Times

Video - Slides

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