David Shatz: 3 Things Sales Executives Need to Hear But Are Ignoring

David Shatz, a new member of the Value Prime Solutions team, brings to bear over 20 years of sales experience and success to help clients improve their revenue performance.

In this episode, David provides insights into his background, the impact The ValueSelling Framework had on his career and why he decided to join the team.

He also shares a powerful story from his career and highlights the three things he believes revenue and sales executives NEED to hear but for some reason, continually ignore.

  1. TEACH YOUR TEAMS HUMILITY AND LIKEABILITY: People will not buy from people they don’t like and trust – and without that and humility, sales professionals are fighting an up-hill battle.
  2. FOCUS ON YOUR SALES CULTURE: Boiler room type settings don’t get it done any longer and without the right focus on your sales culture, you run the risk of driving away top talent and associated revenue wins. Do they pass the ‘2nd Beer Test’?
  3. CELEBRATE THE LITTLE WINS: Enterprise sales are complex, difficult and often long. To keep your teams motivated you need to ‘re-define the win’. Perhaps it’s moving a deal forward, getting the next meeting, or executing a great call – celebrate the little wins to keep your teams motivated.

Listen to the entire podcast episode to get more insight into each of these three elements David believes you need to be, aware of to remain relevant and successful in the new sales landscape.

This post is based on a podcast discussion with David Shatz, Managing Partner, Value Prime Solutions. To hear this episode, and many more like it, you can subscribe to the B2B Revenue Executive Experience.

If you don’t use iTunes, you can listen to every episode here.

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