Cultivating Resilient Mindsets to Help Your Sales Reps Thrive

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In the sales profession, success comes down to passion, grit, and velocity.

Those qualities are there to be discovered, certainly, but, more times than not, they’re just seeds that need to be watered and tended to.

Organizations can help their sales reps in their personal growth by learning how they operate and helping them sustain healthy mindsets.

I talked with Mark Petruzzi, VP Private Equity from N3, and Paul Melchiorre, Operating Partner at Stripes, about the importance of passion and mindset in selling success, as well as techniques from their new book, Selling the Cloud.

We also talked about:

  • What inspired them to write a book, and what their book is about.
  • How to define and translate passion, grit, and velocity.
  • The key thing young sales reps need to know to set them up for success.
  • How mindset is one of the most critical things for a sales rep to focus on.
  • Why cognitive assessment is critical and which assessment tools are most accurate.

The importance of passion, grit, and velocity

Passion is one of the things that can’t be taught. It’s more of a quality that you’re born with. In this profession, passion comes from the ability to help people solve problems.

Grit is more of a learned quality. It’s the ability to stand strong in the face of adversity and push through.

Velocity is your ability to move at a pace where you leverage passion and grit into forward momentum. It’s underrated, but it is something that really differentiates you as a sales rep.

What sales reps need to know for 2021

Many of the sales trends that happened in 2020 were actually building up pre-2020. At that time, if you didn’t figure out ways to develop relationships with buyers that weren’t meeting face-to-face, you didn’t have a strong chance of closing deals.

The reps of today and, more importantly, tomorrow need to figure out how to develop relationships in a new and different way. They must find ways to understand how to solve buyers’ problems and how to do their research diligently.

The role mindset plays in success

Passion, grit, and velocity really come down to mindset. Mindset is the one thing you can make constant and the one thing you can control. Everything else is a variable that gets thrown at you.

Whether you find calm and clarity in yoga, meditation, or getting out on the golf course, it’s imperative to find a way to get yourself in the right mindset.

If you’re going to be in the sales profession, you have to have a tough mindset and a winning attitude. Customers can tell when a sales rep is unstable and unsure. Those who have a well-rooted, confident personality are those who practice cultivating a healthy mindset. Those are the reps that build trust, credibility, and rapport.

How cognitive assessment helps your organization

The problem today is that there’s such a high demand for open sales positions, but not a lot of high-quality professionals to fill those positions. That’s difficult for a hiring manager trying to build a sales organization.

Using scientific capabilities to help better identify the next generation of successful reps gives you an edge in hiring.

Assessment tools can help you in the hiring process. They also help you work more productively and efficiently within your team and help you work with outside prospects as well: By knowing what makes someone tick, you know how they like to be interacted with.

Final Takeaways:

  • Cultivate passion, grit, and velocity.
  • Focus on your mindset.
  • Build resilience.
  • Never stop learning.
  • Figure out your why.
  • Embrace technology.
  • Leverage behavioral and cognitive assessment capabilities.

For the more interviews with industry leaders, you can listen to The B2B Revenue Executive Experience.

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