
Discover the latest value-selling tips, tricks, and techniques in these engaging webinars delivered by ValueSelling thought leaders.

The First Step to Selling Higher: Be Real

When it comes to digital experiences, B2B buyers are drifting through a sea of sameness. In his opening keynote for the recent Gartner CSO & Sales Leader Conference, Brent Adamson shared a shocking statistic: 64% of B2B buyers cannot differentiate one brand’s digital experience from another’s. Yikes.

Busy Sellers ≠ Sales Results

Remember the old adage of the elevator sales rep? The long and short of it is this: An elevator company hires a salesperson. He immediately identifies all of the new construction in his territory and goes after everything, relentlessly — only no opportunities move forward.

Why Your Revenue Pipeline Has Run Dry

It’s time to get back to basics. That means developing the sales prospecting techniques to reliably fill the pipeline with qualified opportunities. Here’s a real-world example of what I’m talking about.

Why Your Revenue Pipeline Has Run Dry

It’s time to get back to basics. That means developing the sales prospecting techniques to reliably fill the pipeline with qualified opportunities. Here’s a real-world example of what I’m talking about.

2020: What Winning Sales Organizations Did Differently

As you well know, 2020 had a tremendous impact on sales leaders, salespeople, and learning and development professionals. The rapid shift to virtual selling and the collapsing delta between B2B and B2C buying behaviors fundamentally changed how most of us interact with customers and prospects — and the results weren’t always pretty.

What’s on my mind as we settle into Q1? Renewals.

Renewals, especially when it comes to the “as a service” business model. After all, we’re living in a subscription-based world. A friend of mine just had a baby, and she gets her baby food via subscription. That’s how I get my multi-vitamins. We even have an associate who’s wild about a sock subscription service!

Be the Best Choice by Differentiating on Value

The changing sales cycle now involves remote selling, digital buying, and plenty of internet research. Within a sea of competition, how do you stand out

5 Motivational Strategies to Get You in Gear for the New Year

As we enter a new year, it’s a time to reflect on the past and set goals for the future. This year especially, most of us are ready to turn the page and focus on what’s ahead. Here’s our advice to get you motivated, invigorated, and ready to start the new year!

The “Why” Behind the “Buy”

How can you differentiate your company’s solution, especially in a crowded or commoditized market? First, you must recognize that being different is not the same as being differentiated. Being different is merely a tally of your unique capabilities and attributes. Differentiation means you successfully connect your unique capabilities to your individual prospect’s problems.

How to Avoid the “P” Word

How do you have a conversation with a prospect that focuses on value, rather than the “P” word – price? We all understand that price will be a consideration when making a purchase, but when you compete solely on price, you’ve pigeon-holed your offering as a commodity. The first step to competing on value is to make sure your solution is differentiated in the buyer’s mind.

The Science of Customer Connections

GUEST: Dr. Jim Karrh, Consultant and Professional Speaker at Karrh & Associates and Author of The Science of Customer Connections

Finding Meaning: Significance vs. Success

GUEST: Aaron Walker, Professional Life & Business Coach, Mastermind Group Facilitator, Coach and Trusted Advisor at View From The Top

Why Sales Discovery is Not only an Up-front Process

While curiosity may have killed the cat, it also helped the sales rep close the deal … Successful sales professionals are curious by nature. They are interested in learning about their prospect’s business, their circumstances, challenges, and the situations in which they find themselves. When sales reps authentically engage with a human-to-human connection, they are much more effective than reps who only focus on presenting and pitching their solution.

Getting over the Objection Hurdles

Most salespeople dread objections. Objections from prospects that typically surface toward the end of the sales process can feel like a roadblock to success. Although you may see objections as signs that your prospect is not going to move forward to purchase your solution, try to shift your perspective.

Never Underestimate the Power of Communication

As toddlers, if we are around other humans…we can’t help but learn to communicate. We all learn how. But we could all benefit from doing it more effectively.

Why Experience is the Key to Unlocking Digital

Everyone loves throwing around the word “experience.” Buyer, employee, customer, insert-anything-here experience … Is it a platitude?

How are You Arming Your Team for the Crisis?

It’s become a cliché almost instantly, but “the new normal” is so apt. Even if you were remote before, now every day is take-your-kid-to-work day.

Can You Speak the Language of Business? An Essential Skill for Communicating with Executives.

“More than 50% of US college graduates, regardless of their majors, are likely to work in sales at some point,” according to an article in the Harvard Business Review. Yet, how prepared are they to effectively communicate with executives? What will separate the outstanding salespeople from those who struggle and bumble along?

Why You Should be Quantifying Customer Sentiment

The uncertainty and challenges surrounding COVID-19 are impacting every business right now. Company leaders everywhere need to make difficult decisions quickly. This is no time for sentiment. Wait, no. Scratch that. This is actually the perfect time for sentiment.

Nailing the Credibility Intro

Credibility gets you in the door. These days, as we rely even more heavily on virtual communication, it’s more essential than ever to have a solid, value-based credibility introduction. To establish credibility, you must focus on the other person and their issues. In time, this will let you determine the potential value you can bring to them. Credibility intros are used in prospecting the very first time you reach out, but they are also used throughout the sales cycle.

What AI Means for Your Business & the Future

AI is a hot topic these days. Whether it’s in an incoherent tech-startup pitch or ominous warnings from scientists about a techno-dystopian future, everyone seems to be talking about it.

Your Guide to Getting Started with Agile Marketing

When you’re doing a puzzle, do you just pick up any random piece and start looking for one it fits with? Obviously not. Everyone knows you start with the corners! Prioritizing them makes the rest easy.

What Everyone in Sales Needs to Know About Marketing

I get it, there’s some natural friction between sales and marketing. It’s okay, though. It’s a healthy form of competition, a symbiotic relationship keeping both sides sharp.
Power of ValueSelling Book.

The Power of Value Selling is now available.

The indispensable guide to forging human-to-human connections, having better business conversations and building buyer confidence – the crucial ingredients to closing sales despite unrelenting uncertainty.
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